Friday, April 22, 2011

Pictorical update

I've continued to sketch and draw in my down time in between jobs. It has been challenging at times visualizing the imagery, but I couldn't be more pleased with how Dr. Nemor turned out (he's the evil genius). I've put the text reference from the original manuscript as the caption for his illustration. Let me know what you think!
Here's the main character, the timid reporter sent by his editor to verify the claims of Dr. Nemor and his disintegration machine.

From the story... 
"...the next instant Theodore Nemor entered our apartment. I can see him now as he stood with the sunlight full upon him, rubbing his long, thin hands together and surveying us with his broad smile and his cunning yellow eyes.
He was a short, thick man, with some suggestion of deformity in his body, though it was difficult to say where that suggestion lay. One might say that he was a hunchback without the hump. His large, soft face was like an underdone dumpling, of the same colour and moist consistency, while the pimples and blotches which adorned it stood out the more aggressively against the pallid background. His eyes were those of a cat, and catlike was the thin, long, bristling moustache above his loose, wet, slobbering mouth. It was all low and repulsive until one came to the sandy eyebrows. From these upwards there was a splendid cranial arch such as I have seldom seen."

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